This is Sandesh from Bangalore.....
I hope you will like my webpage and have fun satisfactorily. This is just all about some things about me and my interests.
The main intention of me creating this webpage was to cater to the needs of students like me who had various doubts in various technical subjects of the IT industry and also to have some "FUN"  .
In other words...Am not here exactly to provide the whole ocean of knowledge!!...this is just a place for a student to satisfy "part" of his/her thirst for knowledge.
I only mean to include some basic concepts in which i, like any other student had interests in and wanted referrence to certain topics where we mostly get doubts.
I too am a "student' doing my BCA and a course at NIIT i.e GNIIT.So, am pretty busy maintaing both the courses on schedule.
Hence i request anyone visiting my site to be patient on any replies if there is a delay.
Finally, i would say...you are always welcome to post or request any help needed with any technical concept, although people would usually prefer to make use of search engines to get already available instant kind of stuffs on the internet. I would be happy to help you out provided its in the limits of my knowledge.
Thats it on this page..enjoy going through the others..Have a good time..take care.
Updation paused..please check back soon...thanks in advance for your patience.. |